Filman srl created the trademark brand name NortheK to exploit its competences in advanced technologies and know-how in optics, precision mechanics, and composite materials that have been developed for different applications.Within its website NortheK offers a part of its high-technology products, namely, off-the-shelf standard products, custom-made instruments, and consultancy before and after the sale. Each and every one of our products is designed and build within a mindset of state-of-the-art technological solutions, optimised for an excellent performance/price ratio.
Our instruments and our optics come with full certifications, both in regard to material and in regard to tolerances allowed. These products hold their value in time thanks to the extreme care which goes into design, production, and research. A full and extended assistance service, readily available spare parts, technological upgrades, unquestioned spotlight on the customer, great regard for the value of the products: these are the key points of the NortheK brand and of our business plan.
NortheK has the ambition of growing into a technological hub on a European scale, with very high-quality standards and highly competitive performance/price ratio.
The Team Maxproject™ consist of highly qualified people that have the role of conceiving and bringing into production advanced technologies for every field interest. The whole Research & Development department is managed by the Team, with the industrial support of Filman srl and commercial support of NortheK.
Filman S.R.L.
Via II Giugno, 73
TEL. +39 015 99 521
E- MAIL: filman@filmansrl.it
PEC: filman@registerpec.it